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Automation and Robotics

MFC – Controller replacement


Contractor: VW Poznań
System/Produkt: CPU 1518F-4 PN/DP
Location: Poland, Poznań

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Contractors problem: The client requested the removal of faults of electrical control elements from the old DKZ hanger control system, as well as the replacement of the S7-400 controller with the new-generation S7-1500 controller. The aim of the replacement was the optimisation of the controller cycle time, as well as the reorganisation of the program from a three-part structure to a single, coherent program. Due to the controller replacement, new CP communication cards and a new proxy module for the operation of Interbus network had to be used.

APA Solution

APA offered to replace the controller with the new model, S7-1518F-4PN/DP, as well as to optimise the source code.



In the first step of the replacement procedure, the program had to undergo migration from S7-400 to S7-1500 controller. For this, the “Migrate project” function from the Siemens TIA Portal 15.1 software was used. This means that the group working principle remained constant. The system architecture of the controllers S7-1500 and S7-400 differ significantly. For S7-400, the basic programming language is STL, and all operations are performed using system registers. This causes blocks written in LAD to be a graphical representation of an STL code. In contrast to the S7-400 controllers, the new Simatic controllers are free of programming language limitations; the program is not translated to STL, but to a code that can be read only by the controllers. The system registers concept has been abandoned. In the second step, a hardware configuration was prepared in HW. Two additional Phoenix Contact proxy modules were added for communication with the Profinet network – Interbus. In the third step, additional program modifications resulting from the new architecture of the S7-1500 controllers were introduced.


The scope of modifications included:
  • FTP communication function,
  • TCP/IP communication function,
  • Blocks (to enable their handling by the S7-1500 controller),
  • References to DB data blocks,
  • References to variables.





The needs of the client were fully satisfied, and the project goals were reached. The main goal of the project was the reduction of the controller cycle time. We managed to do this in a spectacular way: replacing the controller and optimising the code allowed us to reduce the controller cycle time to an impressive 27 ms.


Interesting fact


Before the changes, the cycle time was approx. 150 ms; simple maths will tell us that the operations are now performed almost 5x faster.



Used technologies:


  • Simatic PLC S7-1500
  • TIA Portal 15.1
  • Phoenix Contact Proxy







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